Tuesday, January 26, 2010

REVIEW: MudPuppy.com

A few of my daughters favorite things? Ballerina’s, stickers and the color pink (she gets this honestly). So it was no surprise when she picked these two (2) items sent to us, for review, from MudPuppy.com who are taking part in the 2010 Birthday Gift Guide: For Children   The first one is a the Fun and Dance Sticker Set Play Scene and the other was Dreams, Thoughts and Secrets Diary complete with it’s own lock...

REVIEW: Frecklebox.com

Sometimes the best gifts are those that we feel are more personal, unique or creative. My daughter picked this personalized lunch box; and what she wanted it to have put on it. Frecklebox.com is part of the 2010 Birthday Gift Guide: For Children on Unconditional Mom. I had previously looked at their website and just fell in awe at the products that they offered. It took my daughter about 45 minutes of surfing their...

REVIEW: TropicalTraditions.com Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil

Sometimes there needs to be an alternative, a healthy alternative, to making food than what we have available. When I first heard of TropicalTraditions.com Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil I became very intrigued. I inquired if I could review the product, myself, so I could see if it was indeed as good as it sounds. Before I get into the review portion of this post I want to give you a little insight as to what the Gold...

REVIEW: Zooniwear.com Mop Top Hat

MOP TOP HAT Introduction: “Our Mop Top hats feature one-of-a-kind designs that are guaranteed to turn heads! Each hat is handknit with love and care from custom-made cotton yarn or bamboo yarn. Lined with soft fleece or jersey, our hats provide maximum warmth and comfort for your child. These hats make the perfect finishing touch to any outfit!” Attempting to select a favorite of Zonni’s mop top hats was difficult....

REVIEW: Joovy.com Toy Caboose & Toy Booster Seat

CABOOSE STAND-ON TANDEM STROLLER Prior to Christmas, my daughter was the proud owner of over 20 baby dolls. As I’ve admitted she is very spoiled and I have no shame in that whatsoever. With that many baby dolls a little girl has to have the baby doll furniture too boot. We have a stroller, baby bed, bunk baby bed, 2 play yards, a car seat, high chair and a walker. As mentioned - prior to Christmas she had over 20...

REVIEW: PinkChicken.com Estelle Dress

As part of the 2010 Birthday Gift Guide: For Children, here on Unconditional Mom, PinkChicken.com was a company that I had to include. Pink Chicken is designed and owned by Stacey Fraser, a 15-year fashion veteran (babyGap, Tommy Hilfiger, Old Navy, Ralph Lauren) and mother-of-two. They are based out of New York, NY and have been open for the last three (3) years. I had heard about them awhile back and knew I wanted...

REVIEW: FaBOWlous.com

PEPPERMINT PRINCESS TUTU Alexis has been taking dance lessons for two years now; ballet, tap and jazz. In this time, I’ve run across a lot of tutu’s. There is something about a tutu that just takes that already cute quality that our daughters have and multiplies it by ten. Yet, there are those select few that are everything you visualize when someone mentions the word tutu. Fabowlous.com figured out precisely what...

Monday, January 18, 2010

REVIEW: Piggy Paint

Moms, do you remember when you were a little girl and you couldn’t wait to paint your fingernails for the first time with your own kid polish? There was nothing better than the idea of knowing you could paint your nails and make them pretty. Now our little girls, granddaughters, nieces, little sisters, etc. are following in our footsteps with the same fascination. What if I told you that there was something about...

REVIEW: Zuvo Water Purator

When I first heard of the Zuvo I felt like I was missing out on something. The reviews that I had personally read were nothing short of fantastic; so I had to see, or taste, for myself. I personally contacted them to inquire if I could review the Zuvo as part of my “Home Beverage Machine Reviews” right here on the Unconditional Mom blog and I consider myself one lucky Mom! When I received it I was amazed at the very...

REVIEW: Dyson DC25 All Floors

I am 36 years old. I have been living on my own since I was 19. In those 17 years I have managed to go through over 10 vacuum cleaners. I don’t know what it is… I just could never find a vacuum that could stand up to what I put it through. Then I added the kiddo; my little mini-me. After going out and spending almost $300 on a vacuum (I’ll leave the name out of it); it broke on me 3 months later. Yes, 3 months. Next...

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